terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2013

I'll share a news with you!!!

 Hello my friend's of Resident Evil i go share a news with you!

Good,hmm i'm and some of my friends we are thinking in make a ''movie'' of Resident Evil 6 and i go try make Chris voice oh sorry before let me explain how this film is: good as we're still young and do not have materials to make a film equal to the Paul W. S. Anderson had the idea that I wondered how they wanted there was a friend of mine gave me the idea of people trying to make a movie just voice like you get a cutscene of the game and redublar agent ai okay with this idea if anyone wants to help us or just go add me on fb matheus machado redfield or matheus redfield :) ok this is the new my friend's i go post the video we will try to re-dub it.
